On the occasion of the announcement of the 1815 Rattrapante Perpetual Calendar breitling superocean replica, German watchmaker A. Lange & Söhne journeyed to the heart of Europe’s 14th-century Renaissance city: Florence, Italy.
Why this pilgrimage? There are perhaps many ways to answer this question, but let’s consider that the 1815 Rattrapante Perpetual Calendar breitling superocean replica can almost be called a summary of all the forms of craft that have gone into creating the complete range of A. Lange & Söhne’s watches. Be it the craft of technical watchmaking, dial decoration, movement decoration, et cetera. And if there’s one place on earth where craft — particularly craft that requires the love and labor of the human hand — is held with a great sense of reverence, it is Florence. And if Lange was to celebrate the culmination of all of its crafts in a single watch, you could say that there is no better place to do this than in Florence.
breitling superocean replica best Before we dive into discovering the 1815 Rattrapante Perpetual Calendar breitling superocean replica, it’s important to first understand the significance and value of craft to A. Lange & Söhne. To that end, Wilhelm Schmid, CEO of A. Lange & Söhne, explains, “Craft is for me, a combination of competence and passion. Just doing the work according to the rule book will bring you to a certain level; if passion is involved, that will give that extra mile that you need to really impress people — to really impress experts, I should say. Because our main focus is always to impress experts and not just the general audience. So that actually, for me, is craft: Competence and passion.”
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